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About Me
I live and work in the beautiful countryside in Powys, with my husband and 5 very beautiful, and funny Italian Spinone girls. I was born in Liverpool, and lived on the Wirral for a large part of my life and, after various moves, finally settled in and around the Shropshire/Powys border 25+ years ago. I've always had a love of the countryside and a passion for animals. I'm very keen on Conservation and Animal Welfare issues; I donate an amount from each sculpture I sell to a number of selected Animal Treatment, Animal Rescue and Conservation societies. I've worked in some form of Art since I was 15 - starting in watercolour painting, but finally discovering the joy of working with clay . After trying various methods and materials, I settled with ceramic sculpture as my preferred form. The unique hand-built sculptures are made using thin slabs and small pieces of clay and built up over a newspaper base like a puzzle or mosaic. The resulting fragility is integral to both the concept and aesthetic. I then Raku fire the majority of the sculptures – I find this give a richness and individuality to each hand made piece. The stylistic and constructional considerations are secondary to portraying the subject as honestly as I can. This is not to say that I strive to make my work realistic in the literal sense; instead, I seek to portray that sense of awareness that is present in all living things. I like to think that every one of my sculptures has some of the soul of the animal within it. I feel that an individual creature may experience some ‘otherness’ or spiritual dimension beyond our understanding of its instinctive animal behaviours, and I try to express this in my sculptures. it is important to me that they are sculpted with sensitivity and empathy.
Much of my work is by commission and I have sold sculptures as far afield as Luxembourg, Holland, Germany, Canada, Australia, America and Hawaii. I have recently started painting and drawing again and once again I try to capture something of the soul of the animals in my portraits.

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